NI推出LabVIEW Tools Network



導(dǎo)語:NI的 LabVIEW Tools Network為400多個專業(yè)LabVIEW Tools和Add-Ons提供中央化定位

2007年12月11日,NI宣布推出其為NI LabVIEW傳遞行業(yè)最大的軟件和連接性產(chǎn)品的在線入口,由NI和第三方銷售商在2007年開發(fā)的超過100種新工具的擴(kuò)展。伴隨此最新開發(fā),工程師們和科學(xué)家們可以訪問400多個用于LabVIEW的產(chǎn)品,如可顯示多種語言的用戶界面,以及模塊自動化,控制設(shè)計(jì)和控制器參數(shù)調(diào)整。 NI合作伙伴聯(lián)盟經(jīng)理Jack Barber說:“LabVIEW Tools Network的巨大成長,證明了LabVIEW圖形設(shè)計(jì)平臺的流行趨勢。LabVIEW部門在繼續(xù)創(chuàng)造新產(chǎn)品用于補(bǔ)足LabVIEW平臺并擴(kuò)展其在新應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域的能力。” LabVIEW Tools Network為LabVIEW用戶提供了方便的方法,用于確定改善他們的開發(fā)工具。通過這一在線網(wǎng)絡(luò),用戶可以利用關(guān)鍵字搜索及瀏覽,查找他們使用的所需產(chǎn)品。 對于第三方銷售商,LabVIEW Tools Network將其工具包和附件展示給了數(shù)千個LabVIEW用戶。銷售商還可以通過NI新開發(fā)的程序LabVIEW兼容性來區(qū)分他們的產(chǎn)品。 讀者可以登錄查找更多關(guān)于LabVIEW Tools Network的信息。 關(guān)于NI NI(美國國家儀器有限公司,簡稱NI),將工程師和設(shè)計(jì)師們的方法轉(zhuǎn)換到測試測量及自動化和嵌式應(yīng)用中。NI為用戶提供現(xiàn)存軟件,如圖形開發(fā)環(huán)境NI LabVIEW與經(jīng)濟(jì)有效的模塊化硬件,這些產(chǎn)品向世界范圍內(nèi)25,000個不同的公司出售。NI總部設(shè)于美國德克薩斯州的奧斯汀,共擁有4500多名員工,在40多個國家擁有業(yè)務(wù)。在過去的八年中,《財(cái)富》雜志評選NI為全美最適合工作的100家公司之一。 [FONT=times] original text [/FONT]
[font=times] National Instruments LabVIEW Tools Network Offers Centralized Location for More Than 400 Specialized LabVIEW Tools and Add-Ons [/font]
[font=times][Color=#708090]More Than 100 New Tools Added to the Online Portal in 2007 NEWS RELEASE – Dec. 11, 2007 – National Instruments today announced that the LabVIEW Tools Network, an online portal that delivers the industry’s largest source of add-ons and connectivity products for NI LabVIEW, has expanded by more than 100 new tools developed by NI and third-party vendors in 2007. With the latest additions to the network, engineers and scientists now can access more than 400 products for use with LabVIEW such as a toolkit that displays user interfaces in any language as well as a tool that automates model generation, control design and controller parameter tuning. “The tremendous growth of the LabVIEW Tools Network is a testament to the increasing popularity of the LabVIEW graphical design platform,” said Jack Barber, manager of the National Instruments Alliance Partner program. “The LabVIEW community continues to create new products that complement the LabVIEW platform and expand its capabilities to empower engineers and scientists in new application areas.” The LabVIEW Tools Network offers a convenient way for LabVIEW users to identify tools to improve their development efforts. Through this online network, users can conduct keyword searches as well as browse by function or industry to find the specialized products they need for their applications. For third-party vendors, the LabVIEW Tools Network showcases their toolkits and add-ons to thousands of LabVIEW users. Vendors also can differentiate their products by validating them as Compatible with LabVIEW through a recently announced program from NI. Readers can visit for more information about the more than 400 add-ons in the LabVIEW Tools Network and to apply for participation in the Compatible with LabVIEW program. About National Instruments National Instruments ( is transforming the way engineers and scientists design, prototype and deploy systems for measurement, automation and embedded applications. NI empowers customers with off-the-shelf software such as NI LabVIEW and modular cost-effective hardware, and sells to a broad base of more than 25,000 different companies worldwide, with no one customer representing more than 3 percent of revenue and no one industry representing more than 10 percent of revenue. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, NI has more than 4,500 employees and direct operations in nearly 40 countries. For the past eight years, FORTUNE magazine has named NI one of the 100 best companies to work for in America.[/color][/font]








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  • PLC
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