



  目錄 Content

  引言 Introduction

  一、展會(huì)概覽 Exhibition Profile

  二、展商分析 About Exhibitors

  1、展商類型/構(gòu)成 Exhibitors Breakdown

  2、展商滿意度調(diào)查 Exhibitors Satisfaction Survey

  3、展商參展目標(biāo) Targetof Participation

  三、觀眾分析 About Visitors

  1、觀眾構(gòu)成 Visitors Breakdown

  2、觀眾職級(jí)和職務(wù) Position Classification of Visitors

  3、觀眾意向Visitors Intention

  四、展商和觀眾評(píng)價(jià) Comment from Exhibitors and Visitors

  1、展商感言 Exhibitor’s Testimonials

  2、觀眾感言 Visitor’s Testimonials



      The robot is a high-tech product integrating cybernetics, machinery, computers, materials and bionics. As an equipment of high automation and intellectualization, it is important and extensively used in every field of national economy. The number of ownership and level of industrial robots and its complete sets of equipment are vital signs to measure the comprehensive strength of a country’s manufacturing industry.


      The study of China’s robots started in the 1970’s and the industrial robot was listed in the development plan of national Seventh Five-year technological plan. The development policy that special robots are as important as industrial robots was determined in 863 project in the 90’s, which invented seven series industrial robot products and 102 kinds of special robots. China has set up nine robot industrialization foundation and seven scientific research foundation until the end of the 90’s. While the level of china robot industry is lower than world’s level and there is a great difference whether in R&D, production and application. Currently, most of china’s robots used in industries are imported from foreign countries. Although we have made some progress in the field of intellectual robots, our comprehensive strength is still lower than the one of developed countries.


      In 2009, the State Council has put forward the idea of developing new strategic industry. And in 2011, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China has formally issued the intellectual manufacturing equipment industry plan. Robots, as an important part of intellectual manufacturing equipment, will embrace a strategic development opportunity.


      To keep pace with international advanced level of the robot industry and promote sound and rapid development of China’s robot industry, China Machinery Industry Federation (CMIF) and EASTPO Exhibition Co., Ltd together held “2012 China (Shanghai) International Robot Show & 2012 China Robot Industry Promotion Conference”, aiming at promoting exchange and cooperation in robot industry by building up a platform for industries, scientific research and technological exchange and facilitating equipment manufacturing enterprises to enter the new industry and fully preparing for the application of robots on a large scale in each field of national economy.

  一、展會(huì)概覽 Exhibition Profile


      CIROS 2012 covered an area of 6000M² and up to 100 exhibitors from various countries and regions attended, such as China, the United States, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, France and Korea etc. Famous enterprises at home and abroad took an active part in the show such as FANUC, ABB, KUKA, SIASUN, GSK, BECKHOFF, NACHI, TOSHIBA, EFORT, ALDEBARAN, Shanghai Future Partner Robot Co., Ltd, UNISROBO and JINSHAN SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGY and so on. They have shown overseas and domestic technological development and innovative products in robot field, which makes CIROS show the biggest, most professional and with the highest level at the present in China.


      The exhibits included industrial and service robots covering many areas of robot industry: multi-joint robots, mechanical arms or multi-degree of freedom of robots, robots for welding, painting and up-down material handling; various intellectual robots of non-manufacturing industry serving human beings like family service robots, explosive-handling robots, education and amusement robots, military robots, agricultural robots and all kinds of servo, control systems, software etc.


      In terms of quantity, industrial robots were the majority of all displayed robots. Exhibitors like ABB, FANUC, GSK, NACHI and EFORT etc showed visitors their products which represented the advanced level of industrial robots. Seeing from the industrial robots, visual identity and tactile function and other functions have been fairly universal and technical indexes like location accuracy, velocity, maximum load and etc all leave visitors a deep impression.


      In intellectual robots, robots with vision, tactile and hearing showed by ALDEBARAN are unique; the family robots “ILU” of UNISROBO are possessed with many kinds of functions like speech recognition, organ induction, target recognition, environment perception, behavioral decision and so on; the explosive-handling robots showed by Shanghai Jiaotong University are flexible to get over obstacles and climb stairs; also the portable explosive-handling robots of Shanghai Future Partner Robot Co., Ltd; four-feet and six-feet robots for teaching showed by Northeast Institute of Petroleum and robot dancing performance showed by TAIJING and so on. All these have shown practical values in every application field.


      During the CIROS show, the organizer also held “2012 China Robot Industry Promotion Conference”, which will exert a vital effect on China robot industry for a long time in the future. It was input from many leaders including former vice minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ma Songde; vice inspector of Equipment Industry Department of Industry and Information Technology Ministry, Li Benjian; vice executive president of China Machinery Industry Federation, Cai Weici and Song Xiaogang; the leader of the expert group of robot technology theme of National 863 Project, Wang Tianmiao; vice president of Japan Robot Society; associate general engineer of Beijing Research Institute For Automation Of Machinery Industry, Wu Tong; general manager of Shanghai GO-WELL, Tian Jingsong and so on. They all delivered a speech on subjects about robot industry’s current situation, problems and development prospect. The representatives made deep and extensive exchange and discussion about a series of topics on China’s policy direction in the study of robotics, the policy interpretation in promoting the development of robot industry, China robot development strategy, the industry’s situation, and future plan, the development trend towards robotic functional components and so on.


      CIROS 2012 is held concurrently with famous Shanghai International Machine Tool Fair (14th session) at the same place, which demonstrates that the robot industry enjoys a unique status and plays a unique role in the new future strategic industry as an important part of high-end equipment manufacturing industry. The CIROS show has reached the expected goal as well as the EASTPO show and was a complete success.

  二、展商分析 About Exhibitors


      25 overseas exhibitors from various countries and regions such as the United States、Germany, Switzerland, Japan, France and Korea etc and 57 domestic exhibitors from China’s provinces.



      Breakdown of Industrial Robots, Service Robots and Components Manufacturers


      82 exhibitors has participated in CIROS 2012, among which there are 51 industrial robots manufacturers, accounting for 62% of the whole exhibitors, 22 service robots manufacturers, accounting for 27% of the whole exhibitors, 9 manufacturers of components, software and others, accounting for 11% of the whole exhibitors. The whole chain of the robot industry was involved in the exhibits.



      According to the survey on exhibitors conducted by the organizer, 98.7% of the exhibitors are satisfied with the CIROS show, among which 67.8% of the exhibitors are very satisfied; 96.8% of the exhibitors are satisfied with the quality of visitors and 56.4% are very satisfied; 96.3% of the exhibitors are satisfied with the quantity of visitors and 34.8% are very satisfied; 91.5% the exhibitors will participate in CIROS 2013.

  3、展商參展目標(biāo) Targetof Participation


      The survey shows that over 70% of the exhibitors have definite targets with the CIROS show. That is to aim at the user industries and enterprises, develop new markets and get important industry’s news. Others may seek new cooperative partners such as agents and distributors. And 22.7% of the exhibitors want to keep relationship with existing customer and 43.9% of the exhibitors release new products or improved products.

  三、觀眾分析 About Visitors

  1、觀眾構(gòu)成 Visitors Breakdown


      CIROS 2012 has attracted over 20,200 visitors from industrial automation, mechanical processing, auto-manufacturing, shipbuilding and ocean engineering, aerospace, medical machinery etc. Among which, 2200 are overseas visitors, accounting for 10.9% of the visitors and 18,000 are domestic visitors, accounting for 89.1% of the visitors.

  2、觀眾職級(jí)和職務(wù) Position Classification of Visitors


      Statistic shows that 21.7% of the visitors are from decision-making management of enterprises, 60.4% are mid-level managers, the others are ordinary visitors; according to the department in company of visitors, 41% of the visitors are from R&D dept, 11% from marketing dept and 26% from purchasing dept.

  3、觀眾意向 Visitors Intention


      The survey shows that 41% of the visitors have reached deals with exhibitors (including purchasing, agency and distributors) while 55% of the visitors will make further contact and negotiation with relevant exhibitors. And 95% of the visitors will visit CIROS 2013.

  四、展商和觀眾評(píng)價(jià) Comment from Exhibitors and Visitors

  1、展商感言 Exhibitor’s Testimonials


      Liu Xiaodong Senior Engineer of NACHI

      Our purpose is nothing but to publicize the enterprise, establish brand image and expand the market. Totally, we are satisfied with the CIROS show. The organizing of visitors, advertisements and other items of work are well done. The quantity and quality of visitors are better than we have expected.


      Hu Zhiwei Sales Executive of TOSHIBA MACHINE

      We are the Japanese enterprise. We think the show is good at the first presence. The number of visitors is more than we have expected and many of them are the professional ones. We are satisfied with the organization and on-site service and will continue to participate in CIROS show.


      Liu Chengjun Marketing Manager of ALPHA ROBOTICS

      We have got very good results on CIROS show. There are many visitors and we are satisfied with professional visitors. We will participate in CIROS 2013.


      Liu Ping Sales Executive of GSK

      CIROS show is held for the first time this year and very good. Visitors are more than our expectation. During the show, we have reached some deals and cooperation intention with visitors.


      Wang Jinping Marketing Manager of UNISROBO

      The show is good and visitors are organized well and staff is professional and enthusiastic. We will continue to participate in CIROS show.

  2、觀眾感言 Visitor’s Testimonials


      Ye tao Engineer of TOYOTA

      We use robots more on our production line. We feel good about the CIROS show. And we get much valuable information and communicate with some exhibitors, which is of good help to our decision for purchasing. We will come to visit the show next year.


      Qu Wanyi Director of STATE GRID Shanghai Administration

      I visit the CIROS show this year and feel very good. Whether the exhibitors or exhibits are representative and advanced. We will use robots in the operation of power grid in the future. We will still pay attention to CIROS show.


      Sun Daowang Electrical Engineer of SHANGHAI VOLKSWAGEN

      Five of our staff have gone to the CIROS show and feel very good. Exhibitors and exhibits are both excellent. The show is helpful for us to make decision on purchasing equipment and collect information.


      Lin Yi Senior Engineer of Shanghai Institute of CHINA TELECOM

      I feel very good about the show especially industrial robots. Exhibits have reached advanced world level. We have negotiated with some exhibitors and it is fruitful. It is a little regret that family service robots are much less than the others. We will pay close attention to CIROS show.


      Wang Zixin Project Executive of FAW CAR CO., LTD.

      The CIROS show is well organized and work of on-site management is perfectly in order. We use many robots on production lines mainly the imported robots in welding, assembling, gluing and so on. We will continue to visit the show to contact more customers and know more information about the market.











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