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時間:2010-09-25 14:20:10來源:xuliyuan



With the PCV system, Pepperl+Fuchs is the first manufacturer to offer a state-of-the-art positioning system. The developers have demonstrated how the strengths of the Data Matrix code and modern camera technology can be converted into a multitude of genuine user benefits. The system combines speed and accuracy with a high degree of reliability and robustness. It is optimized for material handling applications and combines maximum flexibility with a long service life. Combined with a maximum code length of 10,000 meters, these characteristics make the system ideal for all kinds of material handling application such as monorail conveyors in the automotive industry, skid conveyors, elevator technology and even other conceivable applications outside the sector.



High redundancy, extremely reliable and optional dual-axis value output


      Positioning systems should operate as accurately, quickly and reliably as possible, especially under industrial ambient conditions. The use of superior Data Matrix codes adds an important innovation stage to a new positioning system. Ideal for applications such as conveyor systems with long travel paths, the system is characterized by an exceptionally high degree of data density and redundancy and in practical use, impresses with numerous advantages such as mechanical robustness, insensitivity to dirt, positioning on two axes and much more.


Whereas incremental systems only require simple grids consisting of lines or gaps of equal size to detect positions, the use of a code with absolute position information is essential with more complex positioning systems. The information codes form the basis of every absolute positioning system and so the performance of the system is directly related to the procedures used. Against this backdrop, the developers at Pepperl+Fuchs selected currently one of the most effective codes for the new PCV positioning system (Positioning Coded Vision), the Data Matrix code. The Data Matrix code is an optoelectronically readable code that stores information in two dimensions instead of one, unlike the barcode.

      增量型系統(tǒng)只需要由線或同等大小的空距組成的簡單柵格來檢測位置,而絕對位置信息碼的使用對于更復(fù)雜的定位系統(tǒng)而言不可或缺。信息碼組構(gòu)成了每個絕對定位系統(tǒng)的基礎(chǔ),因此系統(tǒng)的性能與工作程序密切相關(guān)。在此背景下,在倍加福的研發(fā)者們?yōu)镻CV 定位系統(tǒng)選定目前最為有效的代碼之一(視覺定位編碼)。二維條碼是光電可讀的代碼,存儲二維信息,比只能存儲一維信息的條碼更具優(yōu)越性。

Code strip with Data Matrix codes碼帶與二維條碼

      The Data Matrix positioning system uses a code strip on which the individual square Data Matrix codes are printed beside and above one another. State-of-the-art camera technology reads the codes. A 2D camera, LED lighting unit and efficient, intelligent signal processing unit are all housed in the PCV reading head. The head reads the codes two-dimensionally, decodes them and transmits the exact X and Y position to the higher-level control. The code strip and the reading head with the designation PCV combine to form a high-resolution optical positioning system suitable for all applications where precision positioning along a long travel path is required. The travel path can contain any number of curves, inclines and declines, which do not create any problems whatsoever. A high degree of mechanical robustness and reliability is guaranteed because the camera reading head operates without making contact and contains no moving parts - the absence of laser diodes ensures a long service life.


Accurate detection of travel ranges up to 10 kilometers范圍遠達10公里的精確檢測

      The impressive PCV system produces outstanding performance data and is extremely resistant to dirt and damage. A code length of 10,000 meters is available at a resolution of ±0.1 mm, optionally with 1 mm or 10 mm. Inclines of up to 30 % can be achieved easily and maximum travel speeds of 12.5 m/s are possible. The impressive code length is also adequate for particularly large applications and simultaneously offers sufficient reserves for extensions or systems with many different branches and parallel conveyor routes. A typical application for the positioning system is therefore installation in monorail conveyors, which may extend from storage areas through various production halls and across the entire company site. The laminated, chemically resistant, self-adhesive code strip is manufactured from silicone-free polyester film and stored on reels in lengths of up to 100 meters.

      PCV系統(tǒng)具有出色的性能數(shù)據(jù)和極強的污垢、損壞抵御能力。10公里長度的碼帶,分辨率在± 0.1毫米,也選用1毫米或10毫米的精度。高達30%的傾斜度可以輕松實現(xiàn),12.5米/秒的運行速度也毫無問題。碼帶的長度足以滿足大型應(yīng)用需求,同時可以為系統(tǒng)擴展或多分支系統(tǒng)提供足夠的儲備。該定位系統(tǒng)典型應(yīng)用于單軌輸送機上,可從倉庫擴展到各個生產(chǎn)車間直至整個公司現(xiàn)場。經(jīng)過層壓,抗化學(xué)腐蝕的不干膠碼帶是由有機硅無聚酯薄膜制造而成,以長達100米的卷軸方式存放。

The positioning system offers several special features based on the superior properties of the Data Matrix code and many advantages over barcode systems. While the parallel lines and gaps of different widths on a barcode are affixed to a surface, the actual information is encoded one-dimensionally. The Data Matrix code on the other hand uses both degrees of freedom in a X and Y direction and is therefore a two-dimensional code. The information is incorporated into a matrix of black and white square pixels. The position and size of the cell and the reference matrix within the cell are decisive factors here. The Data Matrix code is characterized by a higher data density compared to the barcode i.e. the space requirements for the same information are far lower. This advantage is reflected in the fact that the code strips are the narrowest information carriers available on the market.


Two-dimensional with high degree of redundancy 二維高度冗余

For the rapid location of Data Matrix codes and precision scanning of the reference matrix, a continuous black edge called the “finder” is positioned on the left and at the bottom and the “alternating pattern” that represents the grid frequency of the data cells is positioned on the right and at the top. The data bytes consist of five usable bytes and seven error correction bytes and are only allocated to the 10x10 matrix inside the complete 12x12 matrix. The code pattern is also of particular significance. Pepperl+Fuchs uses the ECC200 code (Error Checking and Correction algorithm) which is currently the most secure readable Data Matrix variant.


The Data Matrix code offers an efficient process for correcting errors and is therefore replacing the barcode to an increasing extent, not only in industrial applications, because the barcode usually only allows one error detection per check digit. The PCV system always reads at least six Data Matrix codes at once, three in an X direction and two in a Y direction, resulting in an extremely high degree of redundancy and data integrity. Even with a lot of contamination or damage, sudden failures are not expected because only one of the three codes in an X direction must be readable. The PCV system is a valuable investment in industrial environments where dust, dirt and harsh operating conditions are the order of the day. When using ECC200, up to 25% of the codes may be covered or unreadable. When power rails are mounted using clips, the code strip can be interrupted in places for up to 20 mm, irrespective of the position.

      二維條碼提供了一個有效的糾錯過程,因此越來越多地用來取代一維條碼,且不限于工業(yè)應(yīng)用,因為一維條碼通常每一校驗數(shù)位只允許檢測到一個錯誤。PCV系統(tǒng)一次至少讀取6個二維條碼,三在X軸方向,兩個在Y軸方向,因此有高度冗余性和數(shù)據(jù)的完整性。即使受到大面積的污染或破壞依然可以成功讀取,因為3個X方向的條碼只需一個可讀即可。PCV系統(tǒng)是對于日常多灰塵,重污垢和惡劣工作條件的工業(yè)應(yīng)用而言是一項極有價值的投資。而 ECC200代碼,高達25%可以被覆蓋或無法讀取。當(dāng)電源軌利用夾子安裝時,碼帶可在任意最長達20毫米的位置上隔斷。

Integrated early warning system綜合預(yù)警系統(tǒng)

The PCV system is also the first positioning system on the market that can offer the option of detecting contamination on the lens and code strip. Irrespective of the device, ISO/IEC 15415 defines the eight quality parameters “overall quality”, “contrast”, “modulation”, “fixed pattern damage”, “decode quality”, “axial non-uniformity”, “grid non-uniformity” and “unused error correction”, which are evaluated accordingly in the reading head. The “early warning system” issues an advance failure message in the protocol and/or actuates the DC PNP switching output to prompt the system operator to take appropriate action before an actual failure occurs.

      PCV亦是市場上第一個可提供鏡頭及碼帶污染自檢的定位系統(tǒng)。無論何種設(shè)備,ISO / IEC 15415已經(jīng)定義了讀碼頭內(nèi)的8個質(zhì)量參數(shù):“整體質(zhì)量”,“對比度”,“調(diào)制”,“固定模式的損害”,“解碼品質(zhì)”,“軸向非均勻性”,“網(wǎng)格非均勻性“和”未使用誤差修正“。 “早期預(yù)警系統(tǒng)”在協(xié)議中發(fā)出錯誤消息和/或觸發(fā)直流PNP開關(guān)輸出提示系統(tǒng)操作員采取適當(dāng)行動以防實際故障發(fā)生。

Other beneficial effects for the positioning system in the event of space constraints, for example, include a narrow code strip of only 25 mm and small curve radii of 0.1 m, which are also ascribed to the high degree of data density as well as the small code width and reading window. Height information from inclines and declines, for example, can also be evaluated because a code strip always contains two rows of codes positioned one above the other as standard. The code strip can be laid continuously over joints along overhead conveyor systems, for example.


Event markers: Switching in real time事件標記:實時開關(guān)

Event markers enable the Data Matrix positioning system to support the production of up to 1,000 different control signals. When the sensor head passes over one of the event markers, it triggers a switching signal in real time. Event markers are short special code strips that are placed over the normal code strip. The markers are used to start defined processes at fixed positions e.g. fold the mirror on the optical collision protector to the right or left around curves and then move back to its original position again.



The PCV reading head is simple to commission and parameterize. The 70 mm x 70 mm x 50 mm device is fitted with two buttons and seven indicator LEDs that provide personnel with continuous information about the operational readiness and status of the system, etc. An integral alignment aid is available to help you align the Y and Z coordinates in relation to the code strip. With a depth of field of ±15 mm, the read distance is 80 mm. An RS485 interface is already integrated in the sensor housing, i.e. an additional box for the bus connection is not required.

      讀碼頭的PCV使用與設(shè)置都極為簡單。70毫米× 70毫米× 50毫米的裝置配有兩個按鈕和7個不斷提供讀取操作和系統(tǒng)狀態(tài)等信息的LED指示燈。內(nèi)置的對齊幫助系統(tǒng)可幫助您按照碼帶對齊Y和Z坐標。± 15毫米的讀取深度和80毫米的讀取距離。傳感器內(nèi)已經(jīng)集成了一個RS485接口,即總線不需要額外的接線盒。

Parameterization using a PC or code cards電腦或代碼卡設(shè)置參數(shù)

A convenient configuration tool is available for parameterization via a PC. Alternative configuration using code cards is also possible. In this case, the reading head is switched to parameterization mode at the press of a button and the relevant code cards for the resolution, trigger source, transfer rate, address range or terminator, for example, must be held at the correct distance from the lens. Operating personnel can find the most frequently required codes in the operating manual or alternatively print out the codes from the configuration tool and keep them on their person at all times. The parameters can be reconfigured quickly during servicing or whenever required without having to use a laptop. A voltage of 10...30 VDC is required to supply power to the reading head and the operating temperature range extends from -20 to 60 °C.













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