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時(shí)間:2010-09-25 14:32:08來源:xuliyuan



The PCI inductive angular positioning system currently represents the most efficient and most elegant sensor solution for rotary joints and slewing bearings due to its outstanding characteristics. No existing alternatives are capable of combining such essential characteristics in a single system. The non-contact system operates free of wear, does not require any additional mechanisms and produces valid absolute values without slipping, immediately after switching on. The sensor system is insusceptible to the adhesion of metal abrasion, not affected by bearing grease and insensitive to a variety of adverse ambient conditions, including heat, sand and dust on solar power plants in the desert, the aggressive saltwater environment of off-shore wind farms, or dirt, oil and grease on cranes, loading units or special vehicles. These properties form a solid foundation for many years of reliable operation and help reduce maintenance costs.



Inductive angular positioning system designed for heavy machine construction


Inductive sensor systems are characterized by their exceptional robustness and resistance to dirt, oil, grease and humidity under difficult ambient conditions. The fact that even large solar and wind power plants as well as marine engineering and port systems technology can benefit from these advantages provides an interesting insight into how the inductive measuring system has developed. The system was designed for measuring angular positions on rotary joints and slewing bearings with diameters ranging from half a meter to approximately four meters.


The Position Coding System (PCI) is an inductive angular positioning system from Pepperl+Fuchs that is a further development of the PMI series manufactured by the same company. Numerous coil/oscillating circuit systems positioned closely beside one another use an intelligent microcontroller control interface to measure the position of metal target elements (Fig. 2) with a high degree of precision and form the basis of both series. Current systems are only capable of detecting one metal target object that moves along a linear or circular trajectory depending on the sensor type. When this method of measured value acquisition is employed, the size of the measurement range or the shaft diameter is restricted to the physical expansion of the sensor because the measurement target must always be located above the inductively sensitive coil/oscillating circuit. The inductive linear measuring systems that incorporate PMI technology currently achieve a maximum measurement range of 1000 mm, while the inductive PMI angular positioning system is suitable for maximum shaft diameters of 40 millimeters.


Clever coding pushes the limits智能編碼應(yīng)用更為廣泛

The new PCI system is not affected by this restriction and is therefore suitable for application areas involving much larger spatial dimensions. The sensor now doubles up as a reading head which

measures the position of a moving code rail that allows a sensor head with multiple lengths. A row of steel pins serving is secured to the backing material on the code rail as targets. The pins are arranged on the code rail in pairs so that the reading head detects a minimum of one pair of targets at all times. In addition, each pair is characterized by a gap with a specific distance that appears only once along the entire code rail, e.g. 80 mm. The code rail and reading head are adapted perfectly to one another and the absolute position of each gap is stored in the software in the reading head.


The sensor is therefore capable of calculating the current position of the code rail accurately at any time via a two-stage evaluation process. Initially the sensor detects the target pair gap above the reading head for purposes of general positioning, e.g. the gap L5 with distance of 80 mm, so that the system knows that the position of the target nearest to the reference is located at an absolute position of 680 mm, for example. Fine positioning is performed in a second step, whereby the remaining distance between the target nearest to the original position and the reference point on the reading head are added together. (Fig. 2: if the residual distance were 30 mm, the end result would be 680 mm + 30 mm = 710 mm.)

      因此,通過兩個(gè)階段的評(píng)估,該傳感器可隨時(shí)準(zhǔn)確計(jì)算碼帶的精確位置。起初,傳感器檢測(cè)目標(biāo)物成對(duì)間距的目的是為了定位,例如:L5空隙的距離是80毫米,系統(tǒng)因此知最接近參考點(diǎn)的目標(biāo)物的實(shí)際位置是在680毫米的絕對(duì)位置上。精細(xì)定位在第二個(gè)步驟的執(zhí)行中,加上剩余的距離,即讀取頭的參考點(diǎn)和距離參考點(diǎn)最近的目標(biāo)物之間的距離(圖2:如果剩余的距離為30毫米,最終的結(jié)果將是680毫米+ 30毫米= 710毫米。)

Absolute measuring, non-contact and wear-free絕對(duì)測(cè)量,非接觸,無磨損

The Position Coding System is suitable for slewing bearings with diameters of 0.5...4 meters and allows direct, slip-free angle detection on large rotary joints. The absolute measuring principle make the current position available immediately after the coding system is restarted or switched on. Reference runs are not necessary after maintenance, faults or failure of the power supply. The measurement range extends from 1,500 to 12,000 millimeters, depending on the sensor version and the specified bearing diameters. With an absolute direction resolution of ±1 mm along the circumference, the system can achieve angle resolutions between 0.24° and 0.03°. Angle speeds of 3°/sec to 12°/sec are achieved at a signal refresh rate of 36 ms, depending on the bearing diameter and required measurement accuracy. The sensor is ideal for outdoor application due to the robust mechanical design and integral temperature compensation feature.

      位置編碼系統(tǒng)適合0.5 ... 4米直徑的軸承,允許直接、自由滑移、大型旋轉(zhuǎn)節(jié)點(diǎn)的角度檢測(cè)。絕對(duì)位置測(cè)量的原理令編碼系統(tǒng)重啟或開啟后的當(dāng)前位置立即可得。維修、故障或電力供應(yīng)中斷后無需參考運(yùn)行。根據(jù)傳感器的版本和指定的軸承直徑,測(cè)量范圍從1500到12000毫米。該系統(tǒng)沿絕對(duì)圓周方向精度± 1毫米,可以達(dá)到0.24 °和0.03°的角分辨率精度。根據(jù)軸承的直徑和測(cè)量精度要求,3 ° /秒至12 ° /秒的速度角下可以實(shí)現(xiàn)每36毫秒一次的信號(hào)刷新率。該傳感器具有堅(jiān)固的機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)和整體溫度補(bǔ)償功能,是戶外應(yīng)用的理想選擇。

The code rail can be mounted either directly on the bearing or on the bearing flange. The maximum read distance of 5mm gives the measuring system a high guide tolerance. Compared to magnetic systems that operate with air gap sizes of only 0.1...1.5 millimeters, this read distance can be considered more than adequate. Problems arising from abrasive effects caused by dirt and sand or even metallic friction between targets and the reading head can therefore be prevented depending on the system. The system can easily compensate for corresponding changes in distance caused by mechanical imbalances during operation (Fig. 3).
      該編碼帶可以直接安裝在軸承或軸承法蘭上。讀取的最大距離為5mm令測(cè)量系統(tǒng)具備了較高的容錯(cuò)性。與氣隙距離僅0.1 ...1.5毫米的磁性系統(tǒng)相比,這個(gè)讀取距離已經(jīng)綽綽有余。由于目標(biāo)物和讀取頭之間的灰塵、沙子或金屬摩擦磨損引起的問題,可以通過系統(tǒng)設(shè)置而有效防止。該系統(tǒng)可以輕松地彌補(bǔ)操作過程中的機(jī)械不平衡(圖3)引起的距離變化。

Ideal properties for harsh outdoor applications惡劣戶外應(yīng)用的理想特性

The inductive sensor system is suitable for applications in the renewable energy, marine engineering and port system equipment and commercial or special vehicle construction industries. In solar power plants, solar trackers enable the cell panels to follow the path of the sun. The described measuring system for controlling the azimuth angle in solar tracker applications has already been used with great success. In solar thermal power plants with a concentration of direct solar radiation, countless parabolic mirror systems must be continuously moved to direct the sunlight accurately towards the central absorber. Nowadays, solar thermal plants are becoming larger and larger and are focusing more and more on maximizing energy yield and efficiency. Reliable sensor systems are making an important contribution to the overall cost-effectiveness of these plants.


The PCI inductive angular positioning system can also be used for several different applications in wind power plants. First of all, for measuring the current angular position on the large rotary joint that supports the entire turbine and can reach diameters of up to four meters. The system can also be used on the rotor blades, whose pitch angle can also be modified. Modifications to the pitch angle can influence the incident flow in the required way when the rotor starts or during active braking sequences. The bearings on the rotor blades can still reach diameters of about one meter.


Other important application areas include the commercial vehicle, special vehicle, marine engineering and port systems technology sectors. Various load and slewing cranes, lifting and working platforms, loading units, rotary fire service ladders etc. form the backbone of operational logistics processes as well as other activities. The plants are permanently exposed to moisture, dirt, dust, oil and grease and failures cost the operating company a great deal of money.


Inductive measuring principle fears no comparison電感應(yīng)式測(cè)量原理的優(yōu)越性

With angle speeds of up to 12°/sec, the dynamics of the sensor system are adapted to the target application areas of industrial and heavy machine construction. An RS232 interface is fitted as standard to transfer the measured values, although the standards used in the relevant applications and major projects depend heavily on the respective industry and the technical control environment. The modular structure of the angular positioning system enables both mechanical adaptation to the specific customer application as well as modification of the interface to match the corresponding control technology.

      隨著高達(dá)12 ° /秒的角速度,傳感器系統(tǒng)的動(dòng)力學(xué)適用于工業(yè)和重型機(jī)械建設(shè)的目標(biāo)應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域。雖然有關(guān)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和重大項(xiàng)目的應(yīng)用很大程度上取決于各自的行業(yè)和技術(shù)的控制環(huán)境,一個(gè)RS232接口適合傳輸標(biāo)準(zhǔn)裝備的測(cè)量值。該角定位系統(tǒng)的模塊化結(jié)構(gòu),允許按照特定客戶的應(yīng)用進(jìn)行機(jī)械調(diào)整和界面的修改,以配合相應(yīng)的控制技術(shù)。

From a cost perspective, the inductive sensor system is comparable to a magnetic system, only without disadvantages such as the small, sensitive air gap, residual magnetism that changes with the temperature and sensitivity to magnetic interference fields and metallic abrasion. The new sensor offers cost advantages over rotary encoder solutions because the absolute rotary encoder and the cost-intensive installation of the mechanical encoder coupling using components such as transmission gears or a friction wheel are no longer required. Friction wheels are also a potential source of failure due to their susceptibility to wear.


Fig. 1: The PCI Position Coding System facilitates the non-contact detection of rotation angles on slewing bearings used in renewable energy systems, marine engineering and port systems technology as well as commercial and special vehicle construction.

Fig. 2: Functional principle – The system of coils does not require permanent magnets to measure the absolute rotation angle. The distance traveled is measured with reference to the positions of the steel pins along a code rail, which are stored in the sensor.

Fig. 3: The large reading distance of 5 mm safeguards against failures caused by dirt and guarantees sufficient tolerance to imbalances or concentricity errors.












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