



MTL儀器儀表集團公司宣布收購Elpro的所有股份,Elpro是一家澳大利亞無線解決方案的開發(fā)者和提供者??們r1千2百萬將由新銀行機構(gòu)支付,包括分別支付給銀行和股東的負債:60萬美元和50萬美元。 Elpro是全球安全和可靠的無線解決方案提供商,主要應(yīng)用在過程控制,制造業(yè)和行銷市場。公司設(shè)計開發(fā)和制造一系列無線連接產(chǎn)品,用于接收和傳送工業(yè)環(huán)境中的工廠信號。Elpro被公認(rèn)為工業(yè)無線市場的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,因為其自主的創(chuàng)新技術(shù),高性能產(chǎn)品和提供附加值的技術(shù)支持。 收購Elpro對于MTL是一個非常好的補充,Elpro在電子儀器的開發(fā)和提供方面以及通信工業(yè)和過程控制方面都是世界領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者。MTL的大部分設(shè)備用于危險的環(huán)境中,如石化、化工和油氣產(chǎn)品工業(yè)。 在完成收購之后,Elpro的業(yè)務(wù)預(yù)期將通過MTL的現(xiàn)有渠道和OEM關(guān)系擴展其國際客戶。也將改進Elpro的購買能力。收購Elpro,將補充MTL的公開控制成分,增加MTL系列產(chǎn)品的無線技術(shù)能力,方便終端用戶尋找和在他們的廠房里添加更多測量點,而不用花費額外的費用,做額外的配線。 在2006年6月30日,Elpro達到三百四十萬歐元銷售額,實現(xiàn)稅前利潤50萬歐元。Elpro總資產(chǎn)在2006年6月30日為三百六十萬歐元,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)們相信這次的收購將增加第一季度的收入。 MTL將收購三個實體—Elpro國際有限公司(控股公司),Elpro技術(shù)公司(澳大利亞營業(yè)公司和Elpro技術(shù)LLC(美國經(jīng)營實體)?,F(xiàn)存的管理團隊強烈支持MTL收購計劃。 MTL首席執(zhí)行官Graeme Philp說:“我們非常高興能夠收購Elpro,無線技術(shù)是信號數(shù)據(jù)通信層在現(xiàn)代化控制工廠里是一個重要的部分。MTL已經(jīng)為成為通信層零件的提供者作準(zhǔn)備了。對于Elpro的附加值,我們提供相互連接解決方案,運用的主要技術(shù)包括傳統(tǒng)的模擬,現(xiàn)場總線,工業(yè)以太網(wǎng),無線光電技術(shù)。這次收購加強了MTL在這一重要領(lǐng)域的成長。” original text [COLOR=#708090]The MTL Instruments Group plc acquires Elpro International for £12m The MTL Instruments Group plc (“MTL”) announces the acquisition of all the shares in Elpro International Pty Ltd (“Elpro”), an Australian based developer and supplier of wireless solutions, from the Queensland Development Fund and Directors of Elpro. The total consideration of AUD$28.5m (£12.0m) will be paid from new banking facilities. The consideration includes repayment of bank and shareholder loans of AUD$1.5m (£0.6m) and AUD$1.1m (£0.5m) respectively. Elpro is a leading global provider of secure and reliable wireless solutions for applications in the process control, manufacturing and utility markets. The Company designs, develops and manufactures a range of wireless interconnect products that receive and transmit plant data in industrial environments. Elpro is recognised as a leader in the industrial wireless market for its innovative and proprietary technologies, high-performance products and value-added technical support. The industrial wireless market has been characterised as a specialised niche market until recently, with independent research houses predicting high growth as wireless technology matures in the process control and automation sectors. Elpro is an excellent complementary fit with MTL, which is a world leader in the development and supply of electronic instrumentation and protection equipment for the process control and telecommunications industries. The majority of MTL’s equipment is used in hazardous environments such as the petrochemical, chemicals and oil and gas production industries. Following the transaction, it is expected that the Elpro business will be able to extend its international customer base by leveraging MTL’s existing sales channels and OEM relationships. It will also improve Elpro’s purchasing power. Bringing Elpro into MTL will complement MTL’s Open Control Components portfolio and add wireless capability to MTL’s product range as end-users seek to add more measurement points on their plants without incurring the expense of extra wiring. In the year to 30 June 2006, Elpro achieved a pre-tax profit of AUD$1.2m (£0.5m) on sales of AUD$8.2m (£3.4m). The gross assets of Elpro as at 30 June 2006 amounted to AUD$8.6m (£3.6m). The Directors believe that the acquisition will be earnings enhancing in the first year of ownership (note). MTL will be buying three entities – Elpro International Pty Ltd, the holding company, Elpro Technologies Pty Ltd, the Australian based operating company and Elpro Technologies LLC (USA) the US based operating entity. The existing management team have strongly supported the acquisition by MTL and have been retained by the company. Graeme Philp, MTL’s Chief Executive, commented ; “We are delighted to have been able to acquire Elpro. Wireless Technology is forming an increasingly important part of the signal and data communication layer on modern process plants. MTL is already a leading supplier of components for this communication layer and now, with the addition of Elpro, we can provide interconnect solutions using all major technologies, including traditional analogue, Foundation Fieldbus ® , Industrial Ethernet, Optical and Wireless. This acquisition positions MTL well for continued growth and success in this important area.”[/COLOR]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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