



2007年5月24日新聞 Glen Allen, VA: 領(lǐng)先的行業(yè)分析公司NanoMarkets宣布將于6月13日東部時間上午10:00舉辦一場遠程電信會議,展出該公司在可印刷電子領(lǐng)域正在進行的研究, 會議簡介: NanoMarkets舉辦的此次電信會議將集中關(guān)注可印刷電子的材料事項以及如何與新型的PE市場聯(lián)系。會議包括分析銀,硅,碳,銅,金,鎳,ITO以及用于指定領(lǐng)域,如RFID,顯示器,傳感器,底板,PV和電池的氧化鋅等材料的適用性。會議還將為擁有選定關(guān)鍵材料市場計劃的材料供應(yīng)商調(diào)查市場機遇,包括目前市場趨勢和PE材料業(yè)務(wù),并探討印刷電路的戰(zhàn)略性生產(chǎn)和相關(guān)事項。此次會議將持續(xù)約45分鐘,6月14日將推出該會議的錄音。 可印刷電子用銀粉和銀墨:2007-2014 銀墨目前在可印刷電子行業(yè)占有獨一無二的地位,銀墨是唯一用于PE的材料,由許多廠商生產(chǎn)PE,PE被用于生產(chǎn)多種商業(yè)電子產(chǎn)品。這就非常容易理解為何會占據(jù)如此重要的地位,銀是一種理想的導(dǎo)體,它不僅比其他金屬更容易傳導(dǎo),而且,在其表面的氧化物也具有傳導(dǎo)性,因此,自從誕生了電子,銀就被作為了一種導(dǎo)體。對于在電子應(yīng)用中使用銀已經(jīng)有了較深的理解。最后,銀墨已經(jīng)多年被用于制圖應(yīng)用。無可否認的是,印刷一張賀卡和印刷一張RFID卡大相徑庭,但是,歷史給予了銀墨生產(chǎn)商一些將銀顆粒和銀片制成銀粉的有用經(jīng)驗。 目前大約有20家公司提供電子應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域用的銀墨。在印刷電子過程中,目前銀墨的最重要的應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域是印刷RFID天線,但是,銀墨還應(yīng)用于其他領(lǐng)域,在這些領(lǐng)域種銀墨不作為PE的一部分,因為印刷是用于制造完整功能電子的生產(chǎn)方法中的次要部分,這些應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域包括膜開關(guān)見的印刷連接以及電路板中的印刷傳導(dǎo)軌跡,智能包裝,賀卡,游戲等。印刷銀也用于EMI屏蔽,這是一種鑒于PE和涂料業(yè)務(wù)間的應(yīng)用。 直到最近,用于PE和相關(guān)應(yīng)用的銀墨在專用化學(xué)品市場占有較小的一部分。然而,隨著PE商業(yè)的起步,銀墨的銷售量開始大大提高。NanoMarkets最新的報道預(yù)測用于主要PE應(yīng)用的銀粉銷售額到2014年將超過10億美元,這是一個潛在的商業(yè)機遇,但是也帶來了許多問題。 作為銀粉制造商或銀墨制造商提高價值鏈,原材料公司從哪里可以獲得最大利益? 最新的納米粒銀墨是否將完全替代市場上的片狀銀粉? 在未來PE商業(yè)中是否有其他新的導(dǎo)體材料影響銀墨的使用和發(fā)展? 哪種印刷過程對于發(fā)展銀墨是有意義的? 該報道旨在回答這些問題及更多問題,其主要目標(biāo)是分析和量化印刷電子用銀墨制造商的機遇,尤其關(guān)注制造一個完整的功能性設(shè)備的印刷過程中銀墨用于哪一部分,而非關(guān)注用于制造一些傳導(dǎo)束或簡單的提供一個涂料方案。關(guān)注這一點是因為真正的PE應(yīng)用很有可能發(fā)展,并且在這個領(lǐng)域會產(chǎn)生非常多的樂趣。 在該報道中我們調(diào)查了兩項商業(yè)事項――特別是銀墨的最大應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域,以及銀墨傳導(dǎo)性,熱要求,環(huán)境穩(wěn)定性,形成趨勢等的技術(shù)革新,還調(diào)查了銀墨和相關(guān)銀粉的主要生產(chǎn)商的生產(chǎn)情況,并且分析其策略及其工作的進展?fàn)顩r,最后,該報告提供了應(yīng)用銀墨,銀墨類型以及印刷過程類型的詳細收入預(yù)報。 該報道中我們介紹了多種電子產(chǎn)品,這些產(chǎn)品可能大量或少量印刷,甚至現(xiàn)在或十幾年后只是生產(chǎn)一批。獲益最大的領(lǐng)域是顯示器,RFID,底板,光電池,計算機存儲器,傳感器,耐用產(chǎn)品,賀卡,智能包裝和多種新奇產(chǎn)品。然而,也提到了其他產(chǎn)品。因為材料供應(yīng)商最關(guān)注的就是材料,我們將在整篇報道中為所有在可印刷電子領(lǐng)域廠商跟蹤介紹銀墨的應(yīng)用及其發(fā)展機遇,包括印刷設(shè)備生產(chǎn)商,印刷工,集成商和技術(shù)開發(fā)商。 該報道完全是國際化的,預(yù)測也是世界范圍內(nèi)的預(yù)測,報道中沒有選擇或采訪哪個地區(qū)的公司收集信息。在歐洲,德國一直關(guān)注化學(xué)工業(yè)和印刷行業(yè)或印刷設(shè)備行業(yè),印刷行業(yè)為德國取得了特殊的地位,事實上,涉及顯示器底板和顯示器(在這方面,亞洲幾乎被認為是專家級的水平)的兩個最大的可印刷電子的應(yīng)用使亞洲消費電子產(chǎn)品領(lǐng)域在整個行業(yè)市場中扮演著一個特殊的角色。最后,美國財政資源的優(yōu)越性――冒險資本家和政府職員――也有助于形成了這樣一個市場。 為了確定銀粉的應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域,我們機遇初次調(diào)查和二次調(diào)查出臺了此項報道,初次調(diào)查來自NanoMarkets公司持續(xù)的采訪計劃,我們經(jīng)常采訪一些在整個印刷電子價值鏈中的關(guān)鍵行政主管人員,包括設(shè)備和原材料生產(chǎn)商以及設(shè)備及其子系統(tǒng)本身的生產(chǎn)商。二次調(diào)查是利用互聯(lián)網(wǎng),商業(yè)數(shù)據(jù)庫,貿(mào)易新聞文章,SEC filing及其他公司文化寫出在該領(lǐng)域正在發(fā)生的情況。NanoMarkets的研究者還經(jīng)常參加一些貿(mào)易展會和會議并發(fā)言。 在該報告中,我們將需求方分析和銀墨,尤其運用銀納米顆粒的技術(shù)創(chuàng)新的發(fā)展情況預(yù)測相結(jié)合。這使得我們觀察到在此領(lǐng)域的機遇進展情況以及都有哪些合適的商業(yè)模式。 original text: [COLOR=#708090]NANOMARKETS ANNOUNCES DATE FOR TELECONFERENCE ON MATERIALS FOR PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS May 24, 2007 Glen Allen, VA: NanoMarkets, a leading analyst firm based here, has announced that it will hold a teleconference on Wednesday, June 13th at 10:00 AM EST to present findings from the firm’s ongoing research in the printable electronics field. About the Event: This new NanoMarkets teleconference will focus on the materials issues and how they relate to the emerging PE market. The presentation will include analysis of the applicability of materials including silver, silicon, carbon, copper, gold, nickel, ITO and zinc oxide for defined applications such as RFID, displays, sensors, backplanes, PV and batteries. It will examine the market opportunities for materials suppliers with selected forecasts of key materials markets, provide coverage of current market trends and developments in the PE materials business and discuss strategic manufacturing and production issues of printed electronic circuits. The call will last approximately 45 minutes. A recording of the event will be made available at a later date. SILVER POWDERS AND INKS FOR PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS: 2007-2014 Silver inks occupy a unique position in the printable electronics industry at the present time. They are the only inks for PE that are both widely available from a fairly large number of suppliers and in use today to produce commercial quantities of electronic products. It is fairly easy to understand why silver has achieved this position. Silver is the ideal conductor, it is not only more conductive than any other metal, but unlike other metals the oxides that ultimately grow on its surface are also conductive. And, of course, since silver has been used as a conductor since the beginning of electronics, there is already a deep understanding of it use in electronics applications. Finally, silver inks have been around for decades for graphics applications. Admittedly, there is considerable difference between printing a greetings card and printing an RFID. Nonetheless, this history has given ink makers some useful experience in making inks from silver particles and flakes. There may be as many as 20 firms currently supplying silver inks for electronic applications. In the context of printed electronics, the most important of the current applications for these inks is in printing RFID antennas. However, there are other applications for these inks that are usually not considered part of PE, because printing is inherently a minor part of the manufacturing approach used to create complete functional electronic devices. These other applications include printing contacts in membrane switches and printing conductive tracks for circuit boards, intelligent packaging, greetings cards, games, etc. Printed silver may also be used in EMI shielding, an application that hovers between PE and the coatings business. Until very recently, silver inks for PE and related applications represented a tiny niche in the specialty chemicals market. However, as the PE business takes off, silver inks show promise to become a product that will sell in quantities measured in the metric tones. NanoMarkets’ latest forecast show revenues from these inks for major PE applications exceeding $1.0 billion by 2014. That’s a substantial business opportunity and it raises a number of questions. Where is the most profitable place for a materials firm to position itself; as a powder maker, or higher up the value chain as an ink maker? Will the older inks based on silver flakes be eclipsed in the marketplace by the latest nanoparticulate silver inks? Are there other new conducting materials out there that will hurt the chances for silver inks in the future PE business? For which printing processes does it make sense to develop silver inks? This report is intended to answers these questions and more. Its main objective is to analyze and quantify the opportunities for manufacturers of silver inks for use in printed electronics. The focus - especially in the forecasting section - is where silver inks are part of a printing process intended to create a complete functional device; rather than in which printed silver is used to create a few conductive tracts or simply provide a coating solution. This focus is because it is the true PE applications where the growth is likely to come from and the area that is generating most of the excitement. In this report we examine both business issues - notably the applications in which silver inks are likely to find the largest use —— and the technical evolution of silver inks in terms of conductivity, thermal requirements, environmental stability, formulation trends, etc. We also review the activities of major manufacturers of silver inks and related powders and analyze their strategies and how well they are working. Finally, we provided detailed revenue forecasts for silver inks broken out by application, type of ink and type of printing process. In this report, we cover a very broad range of electronic products that may be printed in large or modest volumes-or even in one offs-now or in the next decade. The areas of most interest are displays, RFID, backplanes, photovoltaics, computer memories, sensors, wearable products, greetings cards, smart packaging and novelty products. However, other products are mentioned along the way. Although materials issues will, of course, be of primary interest to materials suppliers, we will endeavor throughout the report to trace the implications of and opportunities from developments in silver inks for all players in the printable electronics sector. This includes printing equipment manufacturers, printers, integrators, and technology developers. This report is entirely international in scope. The forecasts are worldwide forecasts and we have not been geographically selective in the firms that we have covered in the report or interviewed in order to collect information. In Europe, Germany has been a focus of both the chemical industry and the printing/printing equipment industry that gives this country a special place in the discussion. The fact that two of the biggest applications for printable electronics relate to displays—backplanes and displays themselves—are something of an Asian specialty has given the Asian consumer electronics sector a special role in this market. Finally, the preeminence of U.S. financial sources—both venture capitalists and government sources—has also helped to shape the market. To determine where the opportunities for silver inks, we are basing this report on both primary and secondary research. The primary research comes from NanoMarkets’ ongoing interview program in which we conduct regular interviews with key executives throughout the entire printed electronics value chain—including manufacturers of equipment and materials and of devices and subsystems themselves. The secondary research drew on the World Wide Web, commercial databases, trade press articles, SEC filings and other corporate literature to fill out what is going on in this sector. NanoMarkets’ researchers have also been frequent attendees and speakers at important trade shows and conferences. In this report we match the demand-side analysis with an assessment of what is going on in the technical evolution of silver inks, especially the accelerating trend to using silver nanoparticles. This enables us to develop a view on what the opportunities in this space are going to be and what the appropriate business models are.[/COLOR]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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