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施耐德電氣收購Pelco 近一步擴展其樓宇自動化業(yè)務




法國Rueil-Malmaison( 2007年8月2號)消息,施耐德電氣于當日宣布,其對總部設于加利福尼亞的Pelco 有限公司的收購,將近一步加固其樓宇自動化業(yè)務. 施耐德所提供的商用、工業(yè)用和居民住宅占了其業(yè)務量50%。樓宇自動化集電力,HVAC控制,電氣安全和煙火安全一體,是施耐德電氣的新業(yè)務。通過對TAC,Andover Controls和英維斯樓宇系統(tǒng)的收購,將使施耐德在樓宇自動化領域成為主要的提供者。 安全管理,電力和HVAC控制正在逐漸被整合到一個獨特的樓宇自動化系統(tǒng)中,來滿足用戶對于安全性和能源有效性的要求。此種整合將會明顯的節(jié)省用戶的投資和操作成本。 通過完成對Pelco的收購,施耐德電氣將重新平衡其樓宇自動化解決方案投資組合,增加現有的安全平臺(2006年為1.55億歐元)鞏固其提供全套整合系統(tǒng)的能力。 關于Pelco Pelco是視頻安全系統(tǒng)和支持性設備設計,開發(fā)和生產的世界領導者。公司位于美國加州Clovis,在世界范圍內擁有員工2,200名。其主要產品包括Domes,IP系統(tǒng),數字化錄影機。2006年的銷售記錄為5.06億美元,36%是美國之外,EBITDA和EBITA分別為4600萬美元和3000萬美元。 施耐德電氣的使命:無論何時何地,都將為人類奉獻最完美的新電氣世界。 施耐德電氣是電力和控制的全球專家,為其在民用住宅,樓宇,工業(yè),能源和基礎設施市場的用戶提供滿意的服務。施耐德電氣業(yè)務涉及190個國家擁有員工112,000名,通過其15,000個分銷處,銷售額在2006年實現了137億歐元, original text
Schneider Electric Acquires Pelco, Further Expanding its Building Automation Offering
[COLOR=#708090]Rueil-Malmaison, France, August 2, 2007 – Schneider Electric announced today the acquisition of California-based Pelco Inc., a privately held company. Pelco is a worldwide leader in the design, development and manufacturing of video security systems. Pelco will further strengthen Schneider Electric’s Building Automation offering Commercial, industrial and residential buildings represent more than 50% of Schneider Electric business. Building Automation, which encompasses power and HVAC control, electronic security and fire safety, is one of Schneider Electric’s new businesses. The acquisitions of TAC, Andover Controls and Invensys Building Systems have enabled the Group to become a major player in that business. Security management, power and HVAC control are increasingly integrated into a unique building automation system to answer growing customers’ needs for security and energy efficiency. This integration provides customers with significant savings on both investment and operating costs. Through the acquisition of Pelco, Schneider Electric rebalances its Building Automation solutions portfolio by reinforcing its already existing security platform (sales of €155 million in 2006) and strengthens its ability to offer fully integrated systems. About Pelco Pelco is a world leader in the design, development and manufacture of video security systems and supporting equipment. The company is based in Clovis, US-California and has 2,200 employees worldwide. Its key products include Domes, IP Systems, Digital Video Recorders. It recorded sales of $506 million in 2006, of which 36% outside the US, with an EBITDA of $46 million and an EBITA of $30 million. Schneider Electric: Give the best of the New Electric World to everyone, everywhere, at any time Schneider Electric is the world’s power and control specialist. It anticipates and satisfies its customers’ requirements in the residential, building, industry and energy and infrastructure markets. With 112,000 employees and operations in 190 countries, Schneider Electric generated sales of €13.7 billion in 2006 through more than 15,000 distributor outlets.[/COLOR]










  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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