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貝加萊推出小巧 靈活 獨特的ACOPOSmicro驅(qū)動器

導(dǎo)語:貝加萊推出小巧 靈活 獨特的ACOPOSmicro驅(qū)動器

復(fù)雜的CNC應(yīng)用加快了運行步進電機的技術(shù). 此外, 越來越多的氣動系統(tǒng)正在被電動系統(tǒng)所取代. ACOPOSmicro是一款能在低性能范圍內(nèi),操作步進和伺服電機的設(shè)計極其緊湊的驅(qū)動器,旨在提供一個創(chuàng)新且有效的解決方案. ACOPOS micro是成功的ACOPOS和ACOPOSmulti產(chǎn)品系列的補充. 僅有63毫米寬, 可為開關(guān)柜節(jié)省空間. 當(dāng)電壓在80VDC到110/230VAC時,在高速運轉(zhuǎn)情況下可達到更高的扭矩. 在50W到1KW性能范圍之間,POWERLINK 和X2X遠程底板就如同車載般,如同現(xiàn)場總線的界面. 靈活的制冷設(shè)計,和已用在ACOPOSmulti上的一樣具有環(huán)保優(yōu)勢. 側(cè)面安裝或后面安裝都可以. 用于冷卻水和油的冷卻板安裝需進行深度安裝. 這種制冷設(shè)計減少了由排除執(zhí)行額外工作用于氣溫控制和相關(guān)服務(wù)任務(wù)而造成的費用. 利用標準的PLCopen過程控制功能模塊和CNC機器人庫,ACOPOSmicro可支持所有種類的電機,通過貝加萊的Automation Studio實現(xiàn)成功控制. ACOPOSmicro可被用于半導(dǎo)體、包裝、紡織與印刷行業(yè). [align=center] [IMG=ACOPOSmicro——緊湊型步進電機驅(qū)動器]/uploadpic/news/2007/12/20071214165252566802Y.jpg[/IMG][/align]
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[font=times]Small, flexible, unique - ACOPOSmicro is setting the pace [/font]
[font=times][color=#708090]Complex CNC applications are increasingly implementing stepper motor technology. In addition, more and more pneumatic systems are being replaced by electrical drives. ACOPOSmicro – an extremely compact drive for operating stepper and servo motors in the lower performance range – provides an innovative and impressive solution. ACOPOSmicro is an addition to the successful ACOPOS and ACOPOSmulti product range. At only 63 mm wide, it saves space in the switching cabinet. Voltage levels of 80 VDC and 110/230 VAC are available in order to achieve higher torque at high speeds. The performance ranges between 50 W and 1 kW. POWERLINK and the X2X remote backplane are onboard as fieldbus interfaces. A clever cooling design, like the one already used for ACOPOSmulti, provides advantages for the environment. Side and back wall mounting are possible. Cold plate mounting for oil or water cooling is available in addition to wall and feed-through mounting. This cooling design reduces costs by eliminating the need to carry out additional work for climate-control and the related service tasks. . Using standardized PLCopen motion control function blocks and CNC robotics libraries, all motor types supported by ACOPOSmicro can be controlled via B&R Automation Studio without problems.. ACOPOSmicro is often implemented in the semiconductor, packaging, textile and printing industries. [/color][/font]








  • 運動控制
  • 伺服系統(tǒng)
  • 機器視覺
  • 機械傳動
  • 編碼器
  • 直驅(qū)系統(tǒng)
  • 工業(yè)電源
  • 電力電子
  • 工業(yè)互聯(lián)
  • 高壓變頻器
  • 中低壓變頻器
  • 傳感器
  • 人機界面
  • PLC
  • 電氣聯(lián)接
  • 工業(yè)機器人
  • 低壓電器
  • 機柜
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